Root Canal Treatment

Get rid of the toothache and save your tooth.

 Leading dental practice in Lawnton - North Brisbane

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is a procedure where an infected or inflamed nerve is removed from a tooth. This is often needed when trauma or tooth decay has damaged the nerve of a tooth. It is a highly effective way of treating and saving a tooth that would otherwise be extracted. 

We know that some patients are concerned with having RCT and ‘know someone who had a bad experience.’ Our expert dentists have over 20 years of experience and work with the latest advancements in technology to ensure this procedure is as simple as possible for the North Brisbane community. The procedure is usually very comfortable and so minimal in pain that many of our patients actually fall asleep during the procedure!

 Why shouldn’t I just pull the tooth out?

We know that when you’ve been dealing with a toothache for multiple days, or even months, once you get to us you ‘just want to take it out.’ The aesthetics of missing teeth are plain to see, but the hidden consequences of tooth loss can also affect your overall health and sense of well-being.

So what are the long-term problems associated with missing teeth?

  1. Bone Loss: following an extraction, the bone will gradually resorb and become weaker. This degeneration will cause areas of the face to sag and wrinkles to form. It also makes dental implants more difficult to place. The longer you wait to replace missing teeth, the more the bone shrinks and weakens.

  2. Alignment Changes: remaining teeth will begin to move into the space left by the missing tooth, leading to bite collapse and leaving sensitive roots exposed. The teeth next door may tilt into the gap, increasing the risk of fracturing due to poor distribution of force and making it difficult to replace with gap with a denture or implant. The opposing tooth will continue to grow/over-erupt to fill the missing gap, causing root exposure and the tooth to become mobile.

    Misaligned teeth may cause pain that radiates throughout the face, head, neck, and even the back.

  3. Difficulty Eating: many people are okay with losing back teeth ‘because no one can see them’ but don’t consider that they are losing a major area for chewing. Foods that are rich in vitamins and fibre, like fruits and vegetables, may be particularly difficult to chew and avoiding these healthy foods may result in nutritional deficiencies and digestive problems.

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 Stages of Root Canal Treatment

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Stage 1 - Remove Nerve

If you are suffering from hot sensitivity, trouble sleeping and pain when biting, you may have an infected tooth. On this first appointment, we will take an x-ray to confirm. We will numb the tooth with local anaesthetic, access the pulp and line with a steroid medication to calm the tooth down and remove the pain.

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Stage 2 - Shape Canals

A week following the first appointment, we will start to clean the canals. We use very thin files that will widen the canals and clean using irrigation. A rubber sheet is placed around the tooth to keep it isolated from the rest of the mouth. This appointment is usually quite comfortable and many patient fall asleep.

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Stage 3 - Fill Canals

2 -3 weeks later, once there is no sensation from the tooth, we will fill the canals with a rubber material. This will completely seal the canals from any bacteria.

We recommend protecting the tooth with a porcelain crown 3 - 6 months following the RCT as the tooth does become more brittle and prone to fracture.


Let’s get you out of pain.


Visit Us

7B/718 Gympie Road

Mon: 8.30am - 7.00pm
Tue: 8.30am - 5.00pm
Wed: 8.30am - 6.00pm
Thur: 8.30am - 7.00pm
Fri: 8.30am - 4.30pm

(07) 3049 8999